Code of Ethics | 5/20/25 | 7a-10a (3hrs) | CA


This course meets the standards for the NAR® Code of Ethics Requirement. This course will review the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws and its establishment of arbitration as the monetary dispute resolution process between REALTORS®. Finally, we will apply the REALTOR® Code of Ethics Articles to everyday real estate practices.

Tuesday, May 20, 2025
7:00 am - 10:00 am PT

3 hours CE credit
Course Category: Ethics
Approved by California DRE Sponsor ID# 6411
Course ID: 6411-1001
Presented via Zoom from any device with an internet connection.



Receive credit in multiple states by requesting the additional certificate below.



On-Live™ is a live-streaming “virtual classroom” course taught through a private classroom.  Our instructor teaches the class in-studio and streams directly to your device. Upon your purchase, you will be provided with specific instructions on how to access the course.

Course Description:

This course will review the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws and its establishment of arbitration as the monetary dispute resolution process between REALTORS®. Finally, we will apply the REALTOR® Code of Ethics Articles to everyday real estate practices.

After completion, this course will grant you 3 hours of continuing education, while also completing the NAR® Code of Ethics - Cycle Seven requirement. The NAR® Code of Ethics renewal has moved from a 2-year to a 3-year requirement; Cycle Seven began in 2022 and will end in 2024.

This course is approved for continuing education credit by the California Department of Real Estate. However, this approval does not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructors, authors or lecturers.

The meeting link and instructions on how to join the class will be sent via email the day before the class.  This email will also include a copy of the 5-page course reading material, “Real Estate Ethics & Realtor® Code of Ethics”, written by our instructor, Brent Lancaster.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify concepts in the Preamble to the Code of Ethics, including concepts such as the wide distribution of land ownership, highest and best use of the land, principles of competency, fairness and high integrity and the concept of adherence to the Code regardless of an inducement of profit and/or an instruction from clients to the contrary.
  • Identify the Golden Rule as one of the foundations upon which the Code of Ethics is built.
  • List the major categories of Articles in the Code (Duties to Clients and Customers, Duties to the Public and Duties to REALTORS®).
  • Describe the structure of the Code and its supporting materials (Articles, Standards of Practice and Case Interpretations).
  • List Articles of the Code which are commonly the subject of complaints.
  • Describe the concepts of these commonly cited Articles of the Code, including Articles 1, 2, 9, 12, and 16.
  • Given case studies, fact scenarios or similar interactive learning methods, identify possible violations of the Code of Ethics, specifically related to the commonly cited Articles.
  • Describe the professional standards enforcement process of the board or association, including the distinction between an ethics complaint and an arbitration petition, and the differences between the Grievance Committee and the Professional Standards/Arbitration Committees.
  • Briefly describe the bases upon which a procuring cause arbitration claim is decided.

On-Live™ is a live-streaming “virtual classroom” course taught through a private classroom.  Our instructor teaches the class in-studio and streams directly to your device.  All material presented in the course is property of The Lancaster Institute (TLI) unless otherwise noted. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from TLI.

The contents of this course, in its entirety, is subject to any revisions of local, state and federal laws and regulations. The information in this course is on an “as is” basis, without warranty. The authors of this course and The Lancaster Institute shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information, instructions, ideas and principles contained in this course. This publication is not for the purpose of rendering legal or other professional services. The services of a competent professional person should be sought if legal advice or other professional assistance is required.

Each student is entirely liable for activities conducted by themselves or anyone else in connection with the use of this service.

Upon checkout, all personal information, including the student's name, address, and credit card number, is encrypted. Further, student information will not be sold or distributed to any third party without the prior written consent of the student. Taking the course does not constitute consent.

Students taking the course under an assumed name is strictly prohibited. The student will be removed from the course with no refund and reported to the appropriate agency. Students receiving outside assistance is strictly prohibited. The student will be removed from the course with no refund and reported to the appropriate agency.

 Course Attendance After registration, students will receive an email detailing log in information prior to class. All class links are sent 24 hours in advance.

Attendance and participation are required to receive credit for this class. Student must attend a minimum of 90% of the approved course in order to receive DRE continuing education credit.

Each TLI course has designated compliance monitors; these monitors will check to make sure that the student's camera is turned "on”, and that the student can be seen in the camera view. In the event the camera is not on, the monitor will first message the student via chat to notify them of the rules. If the monitor doesn’t receive a response from the student, the monitor will then send an email message & or phone call to the student reminding them of the camera requirement.  If there is still no response, the monitor will remove the student from the course.  We cannot award credit to students whose camera remains off or if they are out of camera view.  We will enroll the student into another class if they wish.

 Identification Requirements Students will be required to present their valid photo ID via their camera to the monitor at the start of class.  The class settings will be set so that only TLI monitors and the instructor can see the IDs.  Students will not be able to see other students.

Participants shall present one of the following forms of identification below immediately before admittance to a live presentation of an offering:

  1. A current California driver’s license.
  2. A current identification card described in Section 13000 of the California Vehicle Code
  3. Any identification of the participant issued by a governmental agency or a recognized real estate related trade organization within the immediately preceding five years which bears a photograph, signature and identification number of the participant.

Upon Course Completion After the completion of the class, an online exam will be made available by 5pm the business day after the course ends and attendance logs are verified. All eligible students will be notified by email when it is available on the TLI course management system.

Exam Instructions Students will use the unique username and password they created at the time of course registration to log into the TLI course management system. In order to fulfill the requirements for CE credit, students must complete the following exam steps:

  1. Input number from a valid CA identification card described in Section 13000 of the California Vehicle Code or any valid identification issued by a governmental agency to gain access to the exam.
  2. Acknowledge your participation by initialing the Student Participation Statement.
  3. Complete Final Exam 1 and pass with a minimum score of 70%
    1. You will have 15 minutes to complete the 15-question, multiple choice exam.  Any questions not answered at the fifteen-minute mark will be marked as incomplete and will be calculated into your score.
      1. If you do not score 70% on Final Exam 1, you will be asked to attempt Final Exam 2.
      2. If you do not score 70% on Final Exam 2, you will, unfortunately, not be able to receive CE credit for this course. Please call our office to schedule another class at no charge.  800.448.5693
    1. Once your exam is passed, click on “Certificate”, enter your DRE license number and generate your certificate.  Please print and/or save the pdf for your records.

The exam must be completed within one year from the date of registration. Once the exam is complete, the student will generate their certificate using their DRE license number in the course management system.

Refunds Students are entitled to a refund if both of the following conditions are met:

The Lancaster Institute has received an e-mail addressed to or phone call to 800-448-5693 requesting cancelation of the student’s registration and a refund; AND the class has not started.  Refunds can only be credited back to the credit card in which the course was purchased. 

Contingency Plan In the unlikely event that The Lancaster Institute has to cancel or reschedule a course, an email will be sent to the student letting them know the rescheduled course date.  If said course date does not work for the student, The Lancaster Institute will enroll them into another course of their choice of equal credit hours at no cost or issue a refund at their request.


The Lancaster Institute seeks to provide students with the best educational environment. If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Phone: 1.800.448.5693


Address: 3931 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, La 70816


Examination Regulatory Notes

  • Participants taking a correspondence offering or package of offerings shall be limited to completion of final examinations for a maximum of fifteen (15) credit hours during any one 24-hour period. A participant shall not be granted access to additional segments of the final examination for offerings or a package of offerings that exceed fifteen (15) credit hours until the appropriate 24-hour period has elapsed.
  • An offering may include a provision for one retaking a different final examination by a participant who failed the original examination provided the questions in the re-examination are different questions than those contained in the original examination. A participant who fails the re-examination cannot receive credit for the course. Such a participant is not barred from enrolling and completing the same course, but must retake the course and pass the final examination with a score of 70% or better to receive credit.
  • Questions used in a final examination shall not duplicate any more than 10% of questions used in any other quiz or examination utilized during the presentation of the course.
  • Final examinations for CE courses consisting only of multiple choice, true/false and/or fill-in the blank questions shall be limited to a maximum of 10% true/false questions.
  • Time calculations for a final examination consisting of multiple choice, true/false and/or fill-in the blank questions should be allowed a maximum amount of one (1) minute per question. The minimum number of questions for a continuing education final examination consisting only of multiple choice, true/false and/or fill-in the blank questions is:

                        1 credit hour = 5                                            19-23 credit hours = 50

                        2 credit hours = 10                                        24-27 credit hours = 60

                        3-5 credit hours = 15                                     28-31 credit hours = 70

                        6-8 credit hours = 20                                     32-35 credit hours = 80

                        9-11 credit hours = 25                                   36-39 credit hours = 90

                        12-14 credit hours = 30                                  40 credit hours and over = 100 questions

15-18 credit hours = 40

 Online Evaluation Statement A course and instructor evaluation is available on the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website at  Access this form by typing in “RE 318A” in the search box located in the upper right corner of the home page.

Course Provider Complaint Statement A course provider complaint form is available on the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website at  Access this form by typing in “RE 340” in the search box located in the upper right corner of the home page. An informational form regarding course provider complaints, “RE 340A” is also available.